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The Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Facilitator training is a unique and challenging experience for professionals who have a desire to work with youth and provide impactful programs and services. 

The course provides youth-focused competencies, evidence-based curriculums, and programs in the context of meaningful frameworks,  approaches,  and strategic solutions.

Our approach challenges and expands the consciousness and personal beliefs about youth engagement and leadership.  The credential is designed to ensure positive youth outcomes in redirecting at-risk-behaviors, ensuring future readiness, encouraging students to move from struggling to spectacular and providing guidance to college-bound students.


diverse backgrounds & Perspectives 


Lynn D., NECA Past  President​, College Internship Program

Lynn is a collegiate career development administrator for a Presbyterian College. In her role, she is responsible for an internship program that serves approximately 200 students.  Lynn's call is to reach out, one soul at a time, to help others find meaning and purpose in life, and ultimately, to find a relationship with the Creator who gives life and purpose. 

Dr. Parks, Pastor & Community Leader

Joseph is an ordained, Baptist minister who has been pastoring for over 25 years. He conducts seminars on leadership, management, and the plight of the Black Man in America. He is the founder of Trendsetters, USA, a program which encourages the personal, cultural, spiritual, and academic development.

Dr. Ives, Facilitator/Coach 

Sujata has been educating, mediating, and empowering individuals for over two decades. She is an advocate of innovation and social change, and as a “worker bee”, you will immediately notice her zest and creativity to improve this world.

Sola  A.,  International Ministry & Facilitator

Sola is a train the trainer and facilitates youth development workshops. As an advocate for at-risk youth, she is committed to having a meaningful impact and believes that youth requires her authenticity, commitment, and the right learning approach.

Edward P., CPCC, Business Consultant, Trainer

Edward has extensive experience facilitating business and personal development roundtables for CEOs. Ed conducts youth workshops and works with youth as a  gifted and holistic math tutor. He is a John Maxwell certified coach, trainer and speaker, addressing generational issues in the workplace.

Victoria R, MA, Youth Program Manager & Social Justice Advocate 

Victoria is a program manager in a community nonprofit. She has a passion for working with girls. Victoria is a social justice advocate who believes that  “Happiness can even be found in dark times if you only remember to turn on the light.”

The Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Facilitator  Certification (YELD) is an intensive 12-week training program.  The course requires proficiency in understanding the needs of youth and young adults through competency-based course work, team-work, and individual projects.

Training Requirement & Competencies

Philosophical Approaches for Engaging Youth

Understand  philosophical dimensions of the YELD  conceptual framework in relation to transformative learning and creating positive youth relationships.

Youth Challenges & Issues

Understand the unique challenges and issues facing today’s youth and the conceptualization of effective strategies for engagement.

Youth Leadership

Understand approaches for developing self esteem, self- efficacy, self- leadership, and youth leading their peers.

Diverse Perspectives in Understanding & Serving Youth

Demonstrate understanding of the unique challenges facing youth in the context of social-economics, education, language, culture, race and gender.

Principles of Learning for Youth Development

Demonstrate understanding of researched-based and practical learning approaches to improve learning and behavior outcomes.

Contextual Themes for Engaging and Developing Youth

Demonstrate understanding and importance of context in relation to developing strategies, designing and implementing services and  programs.

High Impact Training & Facilitation

Demonstrate understanding of the high impact model and its relevance to youth engagement and leadership development.

Technology & Social Media

Demonstrate creativity through the  use of social media to in developing positive messaging.

Presentation Planning, Design & Implementation

Demonstrate the ability to create youth specific and  age appropriate training sessions that have meaning and impact.  

Marketing & Promotion

Understand the importance of branding, marketing, and promotion of youth programs and demonstrate real time application of  these concepts. 

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