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  • Hands-On Experience Upon Coursework Completion 

  • Knowledge & Skill Application


  • Professional Portfolio

  • Professional Development


  • Meet Practitioners and Experts   

Youth engagement is an important key for developing tomorrow’s world changers. Our juvenile detention centers are full of youth who have made split second decisions that resulted in a lifetime of regret. There are communities and families that have suffered due to youth violence and self-destructive behaviors. Through youth engagement we are able to help youth become better thinkers and decision makers. As a coach or mentor we can be an additional trusted adult able to listen, offer advice and listen again as they process through to their best solution. As we engage youth we are demonstrating that we value their opinions and person-hood. Today’s youth have a lot to say about themselves and their world. When youth are engaged by adults who can interact with them in an appropriate way, those interactions become springboards that can challenge destructive mindsets and empower youth to become those who can interact with their world in a responsible and more productive way.

 YELD Facilitator 

Thelia Buchanan | Owner & Life Coach - Ginomai Youth & Young Adult Life Coaching


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